Soul at its very best, Step Inside The Fan’s Fanzine. Showcasing Back to Back sheets of Soul information, coming at you,courtesy of editor Howard Earnshaw. Rollback to April 2005 with Issue 44. Highlighting cover stars: The Diplomats. Settle down with The Soul Children, Timi Yuro, Doris Troy, Eskew Reeder Jnr. Inside we meet all the regular contributors including: Good Toons, Shirley’s Soul Food Cafe, Funk In Yo’ Face, Hot Off The Vinyl Presses, Where to begin? Start with the always enlightening editorial lead from Howard Earnshaw. Condition of these A4 fanzine sheets is generally about average to good, this one is good. Be assured as ever, the content is always top drawer……..Don’t forget to test your knowledge on the Soul Up North Crossword!!