Northern Soul: Soul Up North Issue 58


SKU: MAG 62145 Category:


In this issue of The Fan’s Fanzine, there’s features on, Carl Davis, French Girl Groups,Mary Johnson 78’s,Brass Construction & Skyy and Terry Jones. All your regulars…Good Toons & Great Grooves Funk In Yo’ Face Chicago Soul Shirl’s Soul Food Cafe Hot Off The Vinyl Presses Venue Reports Yes Its Cookie Modern Musings Those Little Silver Discs A-Z of Soul Hitting The Decks Nightly Planner and a special feature on Terry Jones from daughter Linda. Where to begin? Start with the always enlightening editorial lead from Howard Earnshaw. Condition of these A4 fanzine sheets is generally about average to good, this one is very good, but more to the point, obsessively readable. Be assured as ever, the content is always top drawer.

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Weight 97 g